
No.1 Is it able for vegetarians to stay healthy?

 As I said in the past posts, vegetarians, especially vegans don't eat meat or fish so they are thought that they lack some nutrient like protein. 

 But according to a web site called "Vegetarian Nutrition",
 "Vegetarian and vegan diets provide adequate protein when menu planning focuses on how much your body needs and which foods provide this essential nutrient."
 The PDF from the website shows what kind of foods are protein-rich. For example, the most protein-rich food in legume is lentils and contains protein 9 grams in 1/2 cup servings. Tofu, which is the one of the world famous soy food, has 10 grams of protein in 1/2 cup. The most protein-rich food was pumpkin seeds and had 9 grams in 1 ounce. Suppose that 1 cup weighs 8 ounce, pumpkin seeds contains 72 grams of protein and that is exactly 4 times of that in a cup of lentils.

 Although, some nutrient are difficult for vegetarians to ingest by food. For instance, fishes, meat, eggs and dairy products contain vitamin B12 a lot, so vegans, which don't eat meat or fish or dairy products, have to ingest vitamin B12 in a different way like using supplements.

 And also, there is a report which tells us that children in these days tend to have low IQ levels from lack of iron and that caused from being raised in a vegetarian family. It says that lack of iron causes anemia, loss of appetite, spiritless, development delay on mental and problems on behavior, and nowadays more and more people stop eating meat for ethical reasons or health, meanwhile more and more teenagers have health problems by lack of iron.

 However, having a well-balanced diet based on a correct knowledge will avoid suffuring from these risks and still able to stay as healthy as people used to when they were not vegetarian.

Works cited:

Can a vegetarian get enough protein? - Vegetarian Nutrition. (2016, June 4). Retrieved June 29, 2016, from http://vegetariannutrition.net/vegetarian-diets/can-vegetarian-get-enough-protein/

Internet Journey. (n.d.). Retrieved June 29, 2016, from http://web.archive.org/web/20031205204248/http://www.japan-journals.co.uk/dailynews/021210/news021210_3.html


2. Are vegetarians all come from religious beliefs?

2.     Are vegetarians all come from religious beliefs?

     Firstly, to answer this question, I would like to show you the definition of vegetarian. In the Vegetarian Society Website, it says “Someone who lives on a diet of grains, pulses, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits with, or without, the use of dairy products and eggs. A vegetarian does not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish* or by-products of slaughter.” And also, there are many types of vegetarians, such as Lacto-ovo-vegetarians, who eat both daily products and eggs. Ovo-vegetarians eat eggs, but they cannot eat daily products. Vegan do not eat dairy products, eggs, or any other products which are derived from animals.

     The word “Vegetarian” was first used in 1847 in the establishment of the Vegetarian Society. This word comes from the Latin word “vegetus” which means “healthy, fresh and lively.” The Vegetarian Society was established to promote eating plant foods.

     From this, vegetarians do not seem that they all come from religious beliefs. Not only from this definition, Question1 also answers to this question. The food which each religion believers cannot eat are all different, so it does not correspond to the fact that vegetarian only comes from religious beliefs.

Works cited:

What is a vegetarian? (n.d.). Retrieved June 23, 2016, from https://www.vegsoc.org/definition

ベジタリアンとは?日本ベジタリアン協会. (n.d.). Retrieved June 23, 2016, from http://www.jpvs.org/menu-info/index.html

(This website was written in Japanese)

1.What kind of religion are related with vegetarians?

1.     What kind of religion are related with vegetarians?

Islam is well known religion as no pork, eel, squid and octopus. Also, they cannot drink alcohol, and alcohol are not allowed to use as a flavoring meals. Hinduism is another well known religion related with vegetarians. They tend to separate decisively within whether they are vegetarians or not vegetarians. Hinduism are not allowed to eat raw food, garlic and all kind of “meat”, which includes beef, pork, fish and eggs. Pork are thought as too sacred to eat, although pork are thought as too dirty to eat. Buddhism is restricted a little- Some denomination cannot eat all kinds of meat, but mainly, foods which are made by killing animals are not allowed to eat. Judaism are allowed to eat these kind of meat: pork, lamb and venison. Other meat are thought as dirty. Mormonism are not allowed to eat too much meat. They are told to eat mainly vegetables. In Church of England, eating Horse meat is banned.

     As you see from this, many religion has limits of what to eat. In Japan, about half of the population has no particular belief in religion. But about 45 percent of the population believe in Buddhism or are Christians. These are not related with foods, so few Japanese people are related with vegetarians in the point of religions.

Works cited:

International Tourism | About Policy | Japan Tourism Agency. (n.d.). Retrieved June 22, 2016, from http://www.mlit.go.jp/kankocho/en/shisaku/kokusai/index.html

IPA 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構. (n.d.). Retrieved June 22, 2016, from https://www2.edu.ipa.go.jp/search/?keyword=宗教

(This webpage was written in Japanese)

15 Questions about Vegetarians

15 Questions about Vegetarians

1.     What kind of religion are related with vegetarians?

2.     Are vegetarians all come from religious beliefs?

3.     Are there any customs related with vegetarians in Japan?

4.     How large is the population of vegetarians in Japan?

5.     How large is the population of vegetarians all over the world?

6.     What kind of advantages are there in “No-meat dish”?

7.     What kind of disadvantages are there in “No-meat dish”?

8.     Can you call vegie as deviated food habit?

9.     What kind of services are arranged for vegetarians in India?

10.  What kind of services are arranged for vegetarians in Britain?

11.  What kind of services are arranged for vegetarians in America?

12.  What kind of services are arranged for vegetarians in Japan?

13.  Do you agree with the fact that Japan has few numbers of services for vegetarians?

14.  What kind of services do you think is necessary for vegetarians?

15.  Do you think that Japan should increase the number of services for vegetarians?


Current understanding of Vegetarians

       Welcome to our blog! This is a blog focusing on vegetarians in Japan.
       First of all, I would like to tell you what I had know about vegetarians. I had a vague image about vegetarians, which was "There are people who can't eat because of their religious belief." And that was all I knew.
       But through this project, I was able to know that this was only a tip. I eventually knew that there are people who can't eat meat because of their kindness to animals. These types of people are so-called, "No-meat eaters." There are no religion in Japan which is deeply tied with vegetarians, so Japanese people who cannot eat meat are classified as "no-meat eaters."
       I suppose you had thought what little I know about vegetarians. Although, I will try to know little by little about them and try my best to send you new information through this blog.
       Thank you for reading!


What I know about vegetarianism

 I used to think that vegetarianism is about not eating animal meat and just eat only vegetables, but actually it was wrong.
 Vegetarianism is about not to eat animal meat like beef or pork or chicken and something like that.  The person who does vegetarianism is called vegetarian. Some vegetarians simply just don't eat meat and have fish meat instead, some don't have fish, dairy, and honey at all.
 If the dietary habit isn't too biased, for example, eating not only cabbage, cucumbers, and carrots but some soybeans, sesames, and fruits, it is able to live as long as people who are not vegetarians. In fact, some vegetarians live longer than them.