
15 Questions about Vegetarians

15 Questions about Vegetarians

1.     What kind of religion are related with vegetarians?

2.     Are vegetarians all come from religious beliefs?

3.     Are there any customs related with vegetarians in Japan?

4.     How large is the population of vegetarians in Japan?

5.     How large is the population of vegetarians all over the world?

6.     What kind of advantages are there in “No-meat dish”?

7.     What kind of disadvantages are there in “No-meat dish”?

8.     Can you call vegie as deviated food habit?

9.     What kind of services are arranged for vegetarians in India?

10.  What kind of services are arranged for vegetarians in Britain?

11.  What kind of services are arranged for vegetarians in America?

12.  What kind of services are arranged for vegetarians in Japan?

13.  Do you agree with the fact that Japan has few numbers of services for vegetarians?

14.  What kind of services do you think is necessary for vegetarians?

15.  Do you think that Japan should increase the number of services for vegetarians?

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