
1.What kind of religion are related with vegetarians?

1.     What kind of religion are related with vegetarians?

Islam is well known religion as no pork, eel, squid and octopus. Also, they cannot drink alcohol, and alcohol are not allowed to use as a flavoring meals. Hinduism is another well known religion related with vegetarians. They tend to separate decisively within whether they are vegetarians or not vegetarians. Hinduism are not allowed to eat raw food, garlic and all kind of “meat”, which includes beef, pork, fish and eggs. Pork are thought as too sacred to eat, although pork are thought as too dirty to eat. Buddhism is restricted a little- Some denomination cannot eat all kinds of meat, but mainly, foods which are made by killing animals are not allowed to eat. Judaism are allowed to eat these kind of meat: pork, lamb and venison. Other meat are thought as dirty. Mormonism are not allowed to eat too much meat. They are told to eat mainly vegetables. In Church of England, eating Horse meat is banned.

     As you see from this, many religion has limits of what to eat. In Japan, about half of the population has no particular belief in religion. But about 45 percent of the population believe in Buddhism or are Christians. These are not related with foods, so few Japanese people are related with vegetarians in the point of religions.

Works cited:

International Tourism | About Policy | Japan Tourism Agency. (n.d.). Retrieved June 22, 2016, from http://www.mlit.go.jp/kankocho/en/shisaku/kokusai/index.html

IPA 独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構. (n.d.). Retrieved June 22, 2016, from https://www2.edu.ipa.go.jp/search/?keyword=宗教

(This webpage was written in Japanese)

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